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Table 1 Effects of MMF exposure on routine blood parameters in the fractured mice

From: Moderate static magnetic field promotes fracture healing and regulates iron metabolism in mice


Blood parameter



Day 14

WBC (109/L)

4.47 ± 0.61

3.78 ± 0.42*

LYMPH (109/L)

3.27 ± 0.86

2.70 ± 0.66

RBC (1012/L)

9.70 ± 0.696

10.15 ± 0.53

HGB (g/L)

133.83 ± 10.94

142.33 ± 7.42

MCH (pg)

13.82 ± 0.18

14.02 ± 0.12

PLT (109/L)

812.67 ± 110.11

769.33 ± 77.73

Day 28

WBC (109/L)

4.17 ± 0.93

3.92 ± 1.12

LYMPH (109/L)

3.44 ± 0.89

2.73 ± 0.69

RBC (1012/L)

9.48 ± 0.49

9.33 ± 0.73

HGB (g/L)

130.33 ± 5.54

135.50 ± 7.45

MCH (pg)

13.73 ± 0.26

13.87 ± 0.47

PLT (109/L)

818.66 ± 145.61

801.67 ± 90.87

  1. Values are means ± SD
  2. WBC  white blood cell count; LYMPH lymphocyte count; RBC red blood cell count; MCV mean corpuscular volume; HGB hemoglobin; MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin; PLT platelet count
  3. *P < 0.05 (n = 8)