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Table 1 HRV analysis under meditative condition

From: Nonlinear analysis of heart rate variability signals in meditative state: a review and perspective

Sl. no.

Authors (Year)

Database (subjects)

Nonlinear parameters

Observations/findings during meditation


Sarkar and Barat [10] (2008)

PhysioNet (8)

DFA, DEA, Recurrence and MSE analysis

DFA shows strong affect in long-range correlation, DEA exhibits regular repetitive oscillations of time series


Papasimakis and Pallikari [32] (2009)

PhysioNet (8)

DFA scale exponent and ShEn

DFA scale exponent decreases; decimated long-range correlation, standard deviation of ShEn decreases at higher scales indicating reduced variations in the correlations of HRV


Goswami et al. [13] (2010)

PhysioNet (12) and own (3)

Normalized ShEn

Normalized ShEn decreases for advanced meditators which indicates lower HRV dynamics. No statistical test found


Diosdado et al. [29] (2010)

PhysioNet (46)

Higuchi’s fractal dimension (HFD)

HFD graph possesses quasi-periodic components indicating reduced complexity. No statistical test found


Li et al. [26] (2011)

PhysioNet (26)

Base-scale entropy (BSEn)

BSEn* decreases, \(\pi \)-type probability distribution shows more certainty; indicates low complexity of HRV


Goswami et al. [33] (2011)

PhysioNet (12), own (3)

Second order difference plot (SODP)

Cluster formed by SODP rotates anticlockwise during meditation; indicates detachment from the external world. No statistical test found


Raghavendra and Dutt [24] (2011)

PhysioNet (12)


MED* and CD* decrease, whereas LLE* and NLS* increase; inducement of overwhelming calmness and significant alertness


Raghavendra and Dutt [12] (2011)

PhysioNet (12)

Fractal dimension

Significantly low fractal dimension*; increases for scales 1 to 7 and then becomes constant


Song et al. [12] (2013)

PhysioNet (8)

Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis, singularity spectrum width

Significantly narrow singularity spectrum width indicating reduced dynamical complexity. No statistical test


Jiang et al. [30] (2013)

PhysioNet (12)

Visibility Graph method and P(k)

P(k) initially decreases (\(k\le 8\)) and then significantly increases (\(k>\)11). Long-range correlation is retained only at higher scales. No statistical test found


Goshvarpour and Goshvarpour [34] (2013)

PhysioNet (12)

Higher order spectral (HOS) analysis: Bispectrum estimation

Bispectrum amplitude increases during KYM and decreases significantly (\(p<0.05\)) during Chi meditation


Kamath [15] (2013)

PhysioNet (12)


Significant increase in CCTM; indicates activation of PNS.


Goshvarpour and Goshvarpour [35] (2015)

PhysioNet (8)

SD1 (minor axis), SD2 (major axis), area under Poincaré plot

SD1/SD2* increase significantly; elliptical Poincaré becomes circular; indicates definite change in the psychological state


Bhaduri and Ghosh [28] (2017)

PhysioNet (12)

Multifractal-DFA and PSVG analysis

PSVG increases during Kundalini yoga and Chi meditation, indicates increase in the degree of complexity. No statistical test found


Alvarez-Ramirez [36] (2017)

PhysioNet (12)

Hurst exponent

Hurst exponent decreases; indicating uncorrelated HRV dynamics and destruction of long-range correlation. No statistical test found.


Goshvarpour and Goshvarpour [37] (2018)

PhysioNet (12)

Correlation entropy and Cauchy–Schwarz divergence

Correlation entropy* is the lowest and Cauchy–Schwarz divergence* is the highest (low SNS activity)


Yao et al. [38] (2018)

PhysioNet (26)

Entropy measures: KW, BS, PEn, and DSJE

All the entropies are significantly lesser. Lower dynamical complexity


Guo et al. [39] (2019)

Author’s own (70)

DFA scale exponents \(\alpha _1\) and \(\alpha _2\)

Significant increase in \(\alpha _1\) and \(\alpha _2\)*. Prevalent SNS activity is observed


Nasrolahzadeh et al. [40] (2019)

PhysioNet (8)

Graph index complexity (GIC) based on visibility graph

GIC values are significantly higher indicating higher complexity


Goshvarpour and Goshvarpour [27] (2019)

PhysioNet (12)

SD1, SD2, LZ complexity, LLE, SampEn, ShEn, ApEn, LogEn

SD1*** and SD2*** show large variations, LLE*** increases, LogEn*** increase but LZ*** complexity, SampEn***, ApEn***, and Shannon entropy*** decrease; indicates low complexity


Deka and Deka [41] (2020)

PhysioNet (12)


Decrease in IncrEn during meditation; however the difference is not statistically significant (\(p>0.05\)).


Goshvarpour and Goshvarpour [42] (2020)

PhysioNet (12)

Heart rate asymmetry (HRA) index

Significant increase in HRA index with the increase in lags of NN intervals


Rohila and Sharma [43] (2020)

PhysioNet (8)

Asymmetric spread index (ASI), Porta’s index (PI), Guzik’s index (GI), slope index (SI) and area index (AI)

Significant increase in ASI, PI and GI. Crossover of ASI is observed in some meditators. Overall dominant PNS activity


Deka and Deka [14] (2021)

PhysioNet (12)

EMD-based Energy ShEn (eShEn), Kurtosis, Skewness, DFA based short-term scale exponent (\(\alpha _1\)), multiscale PEn (MPE)

Significant decrease in eShEn***, MPE*** at lower scales (1,2,3,4) and \(\alpha _1\)***. However with the increase in scales, MPE increases during meditation providing a hint of higher underlying complexity


Goshvarpour and Goshvarpour [44] (2022)

PhysioNet (12)

Verhulst map-based measures: area, circumradius, inradius

Significant decrease in area, circumradius, and inradius during Chi meditation and significant increase in area, circumradius, and inradius during KYM


Deka and Deka [45] (2022)

PhysioNet (12)

Improved multiscale distribution entropy (ImDistEn)

Significant increase in ImDistEn over higher scales (>5) during Chi and KYM meditation as compared to before meditation

  1. *\(p<0.05\), **\(p<0.01\), ***\(p<0.001\), ApEn: approximate entropy, CCTM: component central tendency measures, CD: correlation dimension, DEA: diffused entropy analysis, DFA: detrended fluctuation analysis, DSJE: double symbolic joint entropy, k: degree of VG node, KW: Kurths J. and Wessel N., LLE: largest Lyapunov exponent, LogEn: log energy entropy, LZ: Lempel–Ziv, MED: minimum embedding dimension, NLS: nonlinearity score, P(k): degree distribution, PSVG: power of scale-freeness in VG, SampEn: sample entropy