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Table 3 Comparison of top-down and bottom-up synthesis approaches of MXene

From: MXene in the lens of biomedical engineering: synthesis, applications and future outlook


Top-down approach

Bottom-up approach



Initiate from MAX phase of 3D structure

Initiate from atom to crystal growth of MXene film

[10, 36]


Involves with chemical etchants such as HF acid

Apply chemical vapour deposition or salt-templating method or plasma-enhanced deposition


Synthesis condition

Pressure-less synthesis

Control gas flow as carbon source

[10, 37]


Require room or low temperature for synthesis

Require high temperature of ~ 1000 °C for synthesis



Large irregular MXene sheet could be produced with a lateral size of a few hundred nanometers and thin sheets with a thickness between 10 and 200 nm

Produce defect-free and highly crystalline thin film of multilayers with a lateral size of between 10 and 100 μm

[22, 36]

Surface properties

Functionalized –OH and –O after synthesis

Lack of functional groups after synthesis

[3, 37]