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Table 2 OpenMEEG demo script in Matlab

From: OpenMEEG: opensource software for quasistatic bioelectromagnetics

Matlab code

%% Structure for BEM volume conduction model

%% Each layer mesh is indexed by k

% vol.bnd(k).pnt. : vertices for mesh "k"

% vol.bnd (k).tri : triangles for mesh "k"

% %% Set the conductivities of each domain

% vol .cond : conductivities

%% EEG electrodes

% sens.pnt : locations of electrodes

%% Positions of the dipoles

% pos :locations of dipoles

%% Compute the BEM

% choose BEM method (OpenMEEG, BEMCP or Dipoli)

cfg.method = 'openmeeg';

% Compute the BEM matrix

vol = ft_prepare_bemmodel(cfg, vol);

cfg. vol = vol;

cfg. grid. pos = pos;

cfg. elec = sens;

% Compute leadfield

% with no orientation constraint

lf_openmeeg = ft_prepare_leadfield(cfg);

  1. Demo script for computing an EEG forward problem with OpenMEEG in Fieldtrip.