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Table 1 List of timers used in the AF-VP model

From: Open source model for generating RR intervals in atrial fibrillation and beyond


Start condition

Stop condition

AF interval timer

Arrival of AF impulse

End of AF interval

RR interval timer

Any VS or VP event

Next VS or VP event

AVJ refractory timer

AVJ activation

End of AVJ refractory period

VP clock timer

Any VS or VP event

End of VP interval

Antegrade AVJ timer

Antegrade AVJ activation

End of antegrade AVD

Retrograde AVJ timer

Retrograde AVJ activation

End of retrograde AVD

Antegrade ventricle timer

End of antegrade AVD

VS event or ventricle fusion

Retrograde ventricle timer

Delivery of VP

Retrograde invasion of AVJ or ventricle fusion