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Table 1 Participants ‘characteristics include mean ± standard deviation of age, body mass, and height in young adults (Group I), healthy older adults (Group II), and older adults with diabetes (Group III)

From: Effects of diabetes mellitus on step length and minimum toe clearance adaptation


Group I (n = 16)

Group II (n = 14)

Group III (n = 13)


9 males, 7 females

8 males, 6 females

7 males, 6 females

Age (years)

26.06 ± 4.97

68.36 ± 5.43

69.62 ± 4.81

Body mass (kg)

75.61 ± 9.05

75.04 ± 9.75

76.67 ± 11.14

Height (cm)

175.00 ± 6.40

167.93 ± 10.84

167.23 ± 9.97