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Table 3 Detail description for each standard gait parameter

From: Machine learning classification of multiple sclerosis patients based on raw data from an instrumented walkway

Standard gait features

Spatial features

Foot type

Descriptor for right or left foot

Foot length (cm)

Measured as the distance between heel/fore centroids multiplied by 1.5

Foot width (cm)

Measured as the distance across the midpoint of the subregion enclosing the fore section of the footprint

Foot area (cm2)

Measured as the total activated area of the sensors involved in generating the footprint

Toe angle

Measured as the angle between the line of progression (the line connecting the heel centers of two consecutive footprints of the same foot) and the midline of the footprint (the line connecting the heel and fore centroids of a given foot)

Step length (cm)

Measured along the direction of the walkway, from the heel center of current footprint to heel center of previous footprint on opposite foot

Step width (cm)

Measured from the midline midpoint of the current footprint to the midline midpoint of the previous footprint on the opposite foot

Stride length (cm)

Measured on the line of progression between the heel points of two consecutive footprints of the same foot (left to left, right to right)

Stride width (cm)

Measured as the vertical distance from midline midpoint of one footprint to the line formed by midline midpoints of two footprints of the opposite foot

Base width (cm)

Measured as the vertical distance from heel center of one footprint to the line of progression formed by two footprints of the opposite foot

Temporal features

Step time (s)

The time elapsed from first contact of one foot to first contact of the opposite foot

Stride time (s)

The time elapsed between the first contacts of two consecutive footfalls of the same foot. It is measured in seconds

Stride velocity (cm/s)

Obtained by dividing the stride length by the stride time

Step velocity (cm/s)

Obtained by dividing the step length by the step time

Single support time (s)

The time between the last contact of the current footfall to the first contact of the next footfall of the same foot

Double support time (s)

Measured as the time between the heel contact of next footfall to toe-off of the current (and opposite) footfall

Stance time (s)

Measured as the time between first contact and last contact of the same foot