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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria used as the screening process for studies identified in our search procedure

From: Comparing the use of conventional and three-dimensional printing (3DP) in mandibular reconstruction

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Titles and abstracts screening:

 •Studies published in the last decade, > 2011

 •Studies published as articles in Journals

 •Journals are primarily English speaking (no translations)

 •Title/Abs contains reference to mandible/mandibular/jaw

 •Title/Abs contains reference to any form of 3D-printing—additive manufacturing/additive layer manufacturing/rapid prototype modelling/rapid prototyping, computer-aided and computer-assisted manufacturing and manufactured/CAM

 •Title/Abstract has reference to reconstructive surgery

Full text exclusions:

 •Focus on dentistry

 •3D modelling/robotics/virtual planning only (no 3D-printing application)

 •No specific mandibular reconstruction carried out on patients/non-primary research (systematic and literature reviews)

 •Non-human/use of cadaver

 •Non-comparative studies—no comparison between patients undergoing conventional vs. 3D-printing techniques

 •Clinical disorder necessitating mandibular reconstruction, not specified

Study design—single centre comparative prospective or retrospective studies—including randomized control trials and cohort studies

SCImago Journal Rating Q2 or above for the year the paper was published

Participants—any patients who had mandibular reconstructions using either 3D methods or conventional methods, as part of the treatment for any clinical disorder

Outcomes—we included all outcomes reported in the remaining literature—e.g. operative/ischaemic time, accuracy, complications, aesthetics, cost