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Table 1 Electrical and thermal properties of modeled tissues taken from relevant literature (given in brackets)

From: Investigation of safety for electrochemotherapy and irreversible electroporation ablation therapies in patients with cardiac pacemakers





Initial electrical conductivity σ0 (S/m)

0.080 [40, 41]

0.200 [39, 42]

0.135 [35, 39]

Final electrical conductivity σend (S/m)

0.240 [35, 39]

0.600 [35, 39]

0.405 [35, 39]

Threshold for reversible EP (V/cm)

100 [35, 39]

400 [35, 39]

200 [35, 39]

Threshold for irreversible EP (V/cm)

900 [35, 39]

900 [35, 39]

900 [35, 39]

Thermal conductivity k (W/m K)

0.21 [41]

0.52 [20, 40]

0.49 [41]

Specific heat capacity Cp (J/ kg K)

2348 [41]

3540 [20]

3421 [41]

Density ρ (kg/m3)

911 [41]

1079 [41]

1090 [41]

Perfusion rate ω (1/s)

0.00043 [40]

0.01798 [40]

0.00069 [40]

Thermal coefficient of conductivity αT (%/°C)

1.5 [20]

1.5 [20]

1.5 [20]