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Table 3 Execution time of the proposed IoT-based nursing-care support system

From: Robust IoT-based nursing-care support system with smart bio-objects


Computation cost

Execution time (ms)


(2 + k) RN + (2 + k) Ha

14.23 ms (i.e. 102RN + 102H)


3RN + 6XOR + 14H (with Trseq)

6.33 ms (i.e. 3RN + 6XOR + 14H)

3RN + 6XOR + 12H (without Trseq)

5.43 ms (i.e. 3RN + 6XOR + 12H)

  1. RN means random number
  2. XOR means bitwise exclusive-or operation
  3. H means the one-way hash function SHA-3 (512 bits)
  4. ak is the size of SID which contains ksidj values