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Table 4 Retinal thickness feature data (\(\mu\)m; mean ± standard deviations)

From: Retinal status analysis method based on feature extraction and quantitative grading in OCT images

Computer quantitative feature names

Ref model value

Foveola average thickness \(T_{Foveola}\)

206.8 ± 13.2

Fovea average thickness \(T_{Fovea}\)

253.7 ± 14.1

Left parafovea average thickness \(T_{PA\_L}\)

320.2 ± 15.9

Right parafovea average thickness \(T_{PA\_R}\)

319.3 ± 15.6

Left perifovea average thickness \(T_{PE\_L}\)

296.1 ± 20.8

Right perifovea average thickness \(T_{PE\_R}\)

295.5 ± 20.1