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Table 1 Changes in MDA, SOD, and BLA at 3,700 m (Mean ± SD, N = 17)

From: The role of oxygen-increased respirator in humans ascending to high altitude


MDA (μmol/L)

BLA (mmol/L)


Without OIR

4.51 ±0.22

6.37 ±0.53

95.35 ±13.59

With OIR

4.33 ±0.25*

5.42 ±0.56*

112.62 ±12.93*

  1. *P<0.05. ’Without OIR’ vs. ’With OIR’. P values were estimated using paired Student’s t-test. MDA: Malonodialdehyde, SOD: Superoxide dismutase, BLA: Blood lactate.